Curious about your data, Shift's servers, or access permissions? Find all of our frequently asked privacy policy questions answered here!
By using Shift, you agree to Shift's Privacy Policy. Shift does not sell your data, nor can it access any of your private data in the browser or any apps you add to your setup. While Shift does track how you use the Shift application, it does not track what's rendered within any of the items you've added to your Shift setup.
Does Shift sell data to third parties?
No. We do not sell, trade, or rent any personal or anonymous data to third parties. The only data that is shared is with the licensed third-party applications with which it has relationships. Check out the full list of third-party relationships here.
What data about me is collected and stored on Shift's servers?
No data is saved on the Shift server except the geographic location or geolocation.
Why does Shift collect and store this information?
We want to make the website and our software as useful to our customers and potential customers as possible. We collect data about how you interact with the Shift application. For instance, we want to know what theme you use. This application data we collect is primarily used for market and product research and analysis to help improve the software. We may contact you about issues you have encountered, send you updates, and communicate with you about products and services, etc.
Can I opt out of the processing of my data?
Unfortunately, there is no way to opt out of data processing in Shift, as it’s vital to running the application properly.