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Fix Shift update problems & failed updates

  • Updated

If you're having problems updating Shift on your computer try the possible fixes below.


Download Shift Again

It's possible that some files are missing on your computer. To fix, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall Shift.
  2. Download Shift again and try reinstalling. 

If your computer doesn't let you complete these steps, contact the person who has administrator rights to your computer to complete the Shift update. 

Review antivirus, firewall, or parental control settings 

Check the settings for your antivirus, firewall, or parental control software.

  • Make sure software updates aren't blocked from going online.
  • Make sure isn't blocked.

Reboot your computer

The update might not have completed on your computer. Try rebooting your computer and updating Shift again.


Still not working? Contact Shift Support for assistance. 


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